Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Cooperation and Exchange between BNU and Dartmouth College
In 1982, Beijing Normal University (BNU) and Dartmouth College reached an agreement to establish the China FSP (Foreign Study Program) at the School of International Chinese Language Education of BNU, which was one of the earliest Sino-American intercollegiate exchange programs since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in the 1970s. In the fall of 2005, the two institutions initiated the Beijing BNU LSA+ (Language Study Abroad) program. In 2018, Dartmouth consolidated its two China BNU programs, and now offers only the Beijing LSA+ program in the fall term. The fact that such a famous cooperative program has lasted 40 years is rare in both China and the United States, and deserves our warm celebration.
Both Beijing FSP and LSA+ programs are totally immersive and intensive Chinese language and culture programs. Their academic curriculum consists of 24 class-hours per week, from Monday through Friday. Classes are taught by BNU teachers from the School of International Chinese Language Education. There are daily quizzes and weekly tests and each student has two one-on-one individual tutorial sessions per week. This curriculum conducted in a target language environment helps Dartmouth students improve their Chinese proficiency effectively and quickly. Additionally, through their life on BNU campus, weekly cultural activities, and especially the field trip of over 15 days outside Beijing (such as Tibet), Dartmouth students can experience different cultures and customs in China first-hand.
Over the past 40 years, nearly a thousand Dartmouth students have participated in these two programs to study Chinese language and culture in China. And BNU has sent more than 20 faculty members to teach at Dartmouth College.
At this moment, as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the cooperation, we are especially grateful to Dartmouth Professor Hua-Yuan L. Mowry, who has contributed so much to the development of the programs from its very first days. We also want to thank the teachers of BNU who have worked hard at Dartmouth. They are (Sorted by the first name):
Fangmin Wu, Fenru Shi, Fu Chen, Hesheng Zhang, Jiankun Wang, Jianming Feng, Jidong Wei, Kai Li, Kuijing Wang, Mengchun Gui, Picheng Wang, Ping Shang, Quan Bai, Qinghui Yang, Shengyu Li, Shining Zou, Shouzhen Li, Xuesong Wang, Yanchun Li, Yanxin Bu, Yuhua Ren, Yuhui Lyu, Zhiping Zhu.
北京师范大学 国际中文教育学院 陈绂
2022是北京师范大学与美国达慕思大学(Dartmouth College)自1982建立校际交流以来的第四十个年头。无论是对建校已有两百五十三年的达大(始创于1769)还是对有一百二十年历史的北师大(始创于1902)来说,四十年都不是一个短暂的时期。回顾两校在这一段路程中,风风雨雨,尤其是最近三年,Covid 病毒横扫全球,跨国校际交流顿受阻扰;但双方一直坚持互信、互助与互谅的原则,期望在病毒攻势逐渐变弱,环球经济逐渐复苏的今日,很快就能恢复两校所有的交流项目。
1. 学生:自1982年夏季达大在北师大开设第一期中文学习班以来,达大对中国语言文化有兴趣的学生就成了这个交流项目最忠实的追随者、拥护者。四十年来后浪推前浪,毕业于达大与北师大合办的北京学习班学生近千人,而选修过北师大在达大校本部任教教师中文课的学生更是不计其数。这些学生中不少已成为美国教育、文化、政治或经济界举足轻重的领导者。
2. 教师:四十年来,两校教师为推动交流项目而默默付出的心血真是无法衡量。他/她们无论是在北师大或达大,都体现出了师大校训提倡的“学为人师,行为世范”的精神。
3. 目标:两校每三年或五年一签的合约并没有强调校际交流各项目的最终目标。但有心的项目参与者(尤其是两校的教师),大多都是怀抱着 “百年树人” 的理想,兢兢业业地从事他/她们的工作。
《论语·为政篇》有这么一段话:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑……” 这是至圣先师对有志向学的学生以自己为例而说的。我们庆祝北京师范大学与美国达慕思大学四十周年校际交流,是否也可以用 “四十而不惑” 这句话来自勉呢?希望两校都不为外界阻力而迷惑失落,努力克服困难,继续向着共同的目标前进。